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So funny can be foreign languages!
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toast uk flag/ pain grillé fr flag
Tribute to Anthony from Manchester (UK) / MANGER UN TOAST - PORTER UN TOAST

Anthony wanted to hold a toast to his daughter and wife:
- Je crois qu'il est l'heure de porter un pain grillé !

The translation was rather good. French people do have some "pain grillé" for breakfast while their British friends are eating "toasts". Though in France, one celebrates any occasion with a toast, not with a "pain grillé". No translation is needed (nor required !) in this case. Nice try ;)

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mur uk flag/ pared fr flag
Tribute to Nuria from Sant Julià de Lòria (AD) / AU PIED DU MUR NO HAY PARED

Núria had studied in a French school in Andorra for more than 15 years. She is now studying at the university in Strasbourg (FRA) and beginns to deal with French slang and expressions. Each lunch at the university restaurant is a good occasion to know eachother and learn French. Núria asks one of her classroom mate how he is doing today:
- Núria :
" Et toi Denis, ça va ?"
- Denis :
" Oh m'en parle pas, je suis au pied du mur !"

Núria checks underneath the table, comes back, and recons:
" Pero si no hay pared, il n'y pas de mur ni de pied sous la table ! "

Well... you're a good observer
Núria. Indeed there are no feet, no wall underneath the table. "Être au pied du mur" in French means to be on the brink on facing strong difficulties, to be upset, helpless... In French you can be "au pied du mur" ("on the foot of the wall") including in the middle of a desert...

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Ben (nickname) uk flag/ ben euh... fr flag
Tribute to Gernot from Munich (DE) / WER IST BEN?

Gernot and Gégé are working in the same company. Gernot's office is on the 2nd floor, whereas Gégé's office is on the 1st floor. They are allowed to have lunch in a cantine on the groundfloor. To organise their midday pause they cannot but corresponding via e-mail...:
- Gernot wrote:
" Wollen wir heute in der Cantine mittagessen ?"
- Gégé replied:
" Ben... je sais pas. Ich habe noch viel zu tun.."
- Gernot replied:
" Ben? Wer ist Ben? ;( "

Don't worry Gernot, and above all, don't be jealous! In this case, Ben is not a nickname for Benjamin, Benoît, and the likes. "Ben" phonetic ben in French can also be a word meaning nothing but stressing an hesitation... If you pay good attention you will notice that French people use it at the beginning of almost each sentence. Ben alors !

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PIN uk flag/ ??? fr flag
Tribute to to Wilkinson's (UK) / ENTREZ VOTRE BROCHE !

My sister and I went shopping at Wilkinson's in order to buy some paint cans and brushes. As usual I found a lot of little useless things to buy and had to pay with my credit card.

After one minute, the lady at the cash machine asked me:
"Sorry, but your credit card does not seem to work, is it Spanish ?" 

I was surprised, took the device and tried to understand the message it was delivering:
"Entrer broche"... was appearing on screen!

We could not but laugh out loud: broche does mean pin in French indeed... when related to jewellery but it does not mean P.I.N. (Personal Identification Number) although you can find the translation "Code PIN" directly imported from the English acronym. I had no jewel on me so I typed my code and it worked perfectly...

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